Thursday 28 May 2015

MTHFR, wait what?

MTHFR mutation I have it, and so could you! But first let me fill you in.

So what is MTHFR you ask? Good question!

Less then 48 hours ago I never new it existed let alone, know what it was! So here’s a short (hopefully understandable) explanation of what MTHFR is.

MTHFR is a gene- we all have it. (I like to call it the mother f*cker gene, because well, its a bitch!) Some of us less fortunate people (i.e.- me!) have a mutated version of this gene. Put in simple terms The MTHFR mutation affects the body’s ability to utilize folic acid and other forms of folate.

So why is this a problem? Some people with the MTHFR gene have a decreased ability to produce the body’s most active form of folate, Methylfolate. Methylfolate is a crucial nutrient that effects DNA regulation, immunity, the cardiovascular system and the way our body detoxifies. If our body can’t detoxify properly, toxins can build up and therefore lead to illness and disease. Yeah I know it's a lot of mumble jumble, big words and confusing statements. But what does it really mean? Why is this gene so important anyway? Basically the MTHFR gene has a big effect on the way our body runs! a large number of health and mental issues have been recognized by some professionals to be linked with this mutation.

*Placental vascular problems * Miscarriages *Heart disease *Stroke *Depression *Anxiety *IBS *Chronic fatigue syndrome *Nerve pain *Dementia *ADHD *Cancers *Preeclampsia

And the list goes on and on.

So What can I do about this? Am I doomed to suffer with bad health for the rest of my life? I don’t think so! While I can’t change my genes there are definitely things I can do to give my body the help it needs!

To start with, a COMPLETE overhaul of the way I live my life is needed. This includes-

*Staying away from genetically modified processed foods. *Avoiding cigarettes like the plague (for me this means I NEED to quit) *Eating foods as close to its natural state as possible *Incorporating folate rich foods into EVERY meal I eat. *Steering clear from toxins- use BPA free water bottles and avoid cooking with non-stick frying pans etc. *Eating organic whenever possible *Using aluminum free deodorant *Filter all water I consume *Avoid harsh chemicals found in cleaning and beauty products- I will be making most of these myself. *Detoxify my body- Things such as juice and food cleanses, magnesium baths and regular exercise are all proven ways to help our body’s detoxify!

This is a very new journey, and something I am still trying to familiarize myself with. It was only two days ago that I tested positive for MTHFR mutation and after my doctor told me she had NO proper knowledge about this condition I decided to take matters into my own hands. I will continue to educate myself the best ways I can, I still have a lot to learn.

In a strange way it seems like a blessing in disguise. MTHFR mutation has made me take a step back and look at the bigger picture, our health is so important, weather you have an underlying condition or not it should ALWAYS be our NUMBER ONE priority! I urge all of you to take the time to re evaluate the foods and toxins you are consuming daily! Your mind and body will thank you for it!

Stay healthy!

Bonnie x

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